What to do if
Aliens invade your bathroom
Well, it's the
cold, hard truth, and it happens unfourtainatly, Aliens invade
your bathroom. What to do? Will they make your toliet hate you?
Will your sink EVER BE THE SAME?! Yes, I too have experenced the
horror of little beings from distant galixies assulting my
bathroom, and I know how to make them leave.
#1- After the
aliens have left, sing kind songs to your toliet about pastrami.
#2- To get the
aliens out, get your Christmas lights (the ones that blink of
corse) and string them everywhere. Set the blink to go really
fast, and sing "Baby are you that Somebody" by Allyah
to the "beat" of the twinkle. This is extreamly
annoying for the aliens (and your classmates for that matter) and
they will soon leave if their brain doesen't explode first.
#3- Get that old Shatner guy from the Priceline.com commercials and old Star Trek shows just to start talking. They'll leave, oh yeah, they'll leave.
#4- If you are
younger than 4, just stand there, the aliens will eventually hate
you for one reason or the other and leave.
#5- Spray bath
and Body Works junk all over you, and stand around. If they aliens don't die, they'll leave.
#6- Get your CD
player on the toliet, put in Hello Nasty by the Beasty Boys, turn
to "Intergalitic" and pump up the volume! The
vibrations from the song are absorbed through the toliet, (which
has a little known power to store absorbed vibrations) after a
few minutes of dancing with the aliens get out of there, because the toliet will blow up, killing the aliens. That song is so cool...
#7- Put on any music by the following artists, if the aliens have any taste in music whatsoever, they will leave: Yanni, Kenny G, N*Sync, Brittany Spears, Mandy Moore, Snoop Dog, 98 Degrees, Hanson, and/or Creed.
#8- Get a projector, and project the fish channel into the sky or something, all beings are attracted to the fish channel.
#9- Call NASA
and let them toatally mess up your house, tromatize your kids,
and take the aliens away.
#10- Make the
aliens wear stockings(a.k.a.-tights, hose, ect you get the
point). They will go insane after about .62 seconds.